Bigg Boss 13: Sidharth Takes Down Shehnaaz Crushing Her Stomach With His Leg; Twitter Calls Him A ‘PSYCHOPATH'; Shruti Seth Goes ‘What The’
Sidharth Shukla’s violent behaviour with Shehnaaz Gill has brewed a storm across the internet, many users want a ban on Colors TV and Bigg Boss 13, while others want the makers to remove Shukla and shift him to a mental hospital

What the hell is this???
— Shruti Seth (@SethShruti) January 7, 2020
Why are we promoting this kind of barbaric violence in the name of entertainment?
This man needs professional help @ColorsTV
WTF! He should be arrested..
— आदित्य (@MuradsAdi) January 7, 2020
What the hell being shown on National Television in the name of entertainment. Imagine what kind of impact of this will be on young innocent minds. Isn't it harassment..... ?!!
— Anand (@i_NAnand) January 7, 2020
Ban this programme @BiggBoss.
Violence Hai.... Bhukla Ko Bahar Nikalo...
— 🐯🔥QUEEN RASHAMI🔥🐯 (@Queen25Rashami) January 7, 2020
Will shukla be questioned this WKV dear @BeingSalmanKhan
— Tiffany (@Tiffany_AsimFan) January 7, 2020
Or are you scared of him as usual and can't voice your opinion
In return you will send guests to motivate him
You only have the audacity to silent, demktivate and humiliate an innocent
Shame@ColorsTV @JessuGeorge
It's not entertainment..
— Scientist Vaibhav (@OfficeVGM) January 7, 2020
- It's harassment.
- It's physical violence.
- it's physical attack.
Shukla fans ko ye entertainment lagta hai to unke liye slow claps 👏#BiggBosd main ladies respect 👎@BiggBoss @ColorsTV @mnysha #BB13 #BiggBoss13 #BiggBoss
@ColorsTV a channel promoting women empowerment is at the same time endorsing Misogyny and patriarchal male dominance!!
— Akshata (@Akshata15554499) January 7, 2020
Slow claps @EndemolShineIND @BiggBoss @viacom18 #Asim #AsimFandomHits6M #AsimRaiz #AsimRiaz
Bc thoko ye Shukla ko, saala!!! How is this behaviour even tolerated on National television? Stop airing this show and ban it's creators please!!!
— रोआ (@marathi_bawa) January 7, 2020
Harrasment at its best y @ColorsTV why ?Is any1 forcing u 2 promote Sidharth Shukla positive even being so villianious its his nature to be negative and v r actually seeing all dis from very first episode don't know what u haven't shown 2 us abt his negative side.@Sudhanshu_Vats
— Fiha (@Fiha48515954) January 7, 2020
@ibf_india please take a look into this vulgarity that @ColorsTV @EndemolShineIND @BiggBoss are promoting! This is supposed to be a family show but we are really embarrassed to watch it with everybody now!
— Akshata (@Akshata15554499) January 7, 2020
If this is not Harrassment than What is. You can clearly see this Abuser thukla put his leg on her stomach and twisting her hands. No sane woman would tolerate such humiliation on national Telivision. @BiggBoss @ColorsTV @mnysha #BB13 #BiggBoss13 #BiggBoss
— Raaz Bani Rahe ( MUFC ) (@KeepItRaaaz) January 6, 2020